Roy Andersen

“Roy's books are never dull, not even for a moment. Beautifully written! Roy has written in such a way that anyone can pick up his books and understand where he is coming from and where he is going in his thoughts, that offer profound insight into what is wrong with school, and why we need to change the ways we are preparing our children for the world they will live in.I would recommend that ALL educators read his books, especially “Teacher, Parent, Child,” as they will definitely be refreshed and challenged to re-think their position as teachers in these challenging times."
Rachel Wong
Principal. Malaysia
“The books of Roy Andersen are very important books that should be read by every parent and educator in the world. They represent a real breakthrough in our understanding of what intelligence is and how it develops, and the importance of changing the ways students are both parented and educated. Roy is doing for learning the work that is as significant as was that done in the past by such figures as John Dewey. These are must-reads for both parents and educators alike.”
Prof / Dean Emeritus David Martin Ph.D
Gallaudet University Washington, D.C. USA
“These books are never dull, not even for a moment. Beautifully written! Roy has written in such a way that anyone can pick up his books and understand where he is coming from and where he is going in his thoughts, that offer profound insight into what is wrong with school, and why we need to change the ways we are preparing our children for the world they will live in.
Rachel Wong
Principal. Malaysia